Friday 21 March 2014

End of week 3 of £1 per day and a big THANK YOU to all my Bristol peeps!

I've just returned from a fabulous 3 day trip to Bristol where I caught up with friends and spread the message about Mission Congo. I was incredibly lucky to receive a number of donations while I was there of children's clothes, toys, books, colouring crayons & pencils as well as scarves for the women in DRC. Big thank you's go out to Simon, Ruth, Kat, Sarah, Vicky & Becca.

I've just spent the afternoon sorting through all the items that were donated and organising them to go into different boxes and here is a photo of all the items I collected in Bristol which is easily another 2 box loads. I am definitely well over my 5 free boxes. I'm guessing I'm somewhere near 10 now but I'm happy to pay for the extra baggage as the items are all so lovely I really want to take everything!

It's been a particularly difficult week to stick to the £1 per day but I'm very proud to say that I managed it. On Sunday we went out for a family meal to celebrate what would have been my dad's 60th birthday and while the rest of the family enjoyed a nice 3 course meal I ate my sad little scone and half an orange which was rather depressing.

The rest of the week was equally difficult trying to catch up with friends in Bristol who all wanted to treat me to lovely lunches and dinners but I stuck with my hot cross bun lunch and meatballs for dinner. I am really bored of the £1 per day challenge now, mostly because of how much it restricts you when you are trying to lead a normal life but I guess I knew it wouldn't be easy. Thank goodness I've only got a week to go!

Here is a photo I took on Tuesday night sat around the table at girls night...

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love chocolate. I can't even begin to tell you the torture of having to sit in front of these bags of chocolate and not be able to eat one. I just kept thinking of the money we have raised and how close we are to reaching £3,000. Only £100 to go!

Thanks everyone for your support and donations!

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